Thursday, February 14, 2008

Get Internal Name of list Item:

Get Internal Name of list Item:

SPSite Site = new SPSite("SiteURI");

SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb();

SPList List = Web.Lists["List Name"];

string ColumnName = "My Field Name"; //Name of the field as in list settings

//Update field name with internal name of the column

for (int fc = 0; fc < List.Fields.Count; fc++)


if (List.Fields[fc].Title == ColumnName )


ColumnName = List.Fields[fc].InternalName;



string query = "<Query>";

query += " <Where>";

query += " <Eq>";

query += " <FieldRef Name="Author" />";

query += " <Value Type="User">shaiju</Value>";

query += " </Eq>";

query += " </Where>";

query += "</Query>";

SPQuery Query = new SPQuery();

Query.Query = query;

SPListItemCollection listItems = COIList.GetItems(Query);

foreach (SPListItem item in listItems)


temp = string.Empty;



temp = item[ColumnName].ToString();


catch (NullReferenceException) { }

if (temp == "E1457")





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks - just what I was looking for.

Here are my adaptations::

public static string getIntName(SPList List, string ColName)
string sReturn = ColName; // default

for (int fc = 0; fc < List.Fields.Count; fc++)
if (List.Fields[fc].Title.ToUpper() == ColName.Trim().ToUpper())
sReturn = List.Fields[fc].InternalName;
catch { }

return sReturn;


public static string getIntName(SPWeb web, string ListName, string ColName)
string sReturn = ColName; // default
SPList List = returnList(web, ListName);

for (int fc = 0; fc < List.Fields.Count; fc++)
if (List.Fields[fc].Title.ToUpper() == ColName.Trim().ToUpper())
sReturn = List.Fields[fc].InternalName;
catch { }

return sReturn;


public static SPList returnList(SPWeb site, string ListName)
SPList spl = null;
foreach (SPList list in site.Lists)
if (list.Title.Equals(ListName))
spl = list;
return spl;